

Albania is a country situated in Southeast Europe or Western Balkans.

The revival of the Albanian vine and wine sector started to take place in the 2000s, doubling the area of vineyards and wine in the last two decades. New plantations, as well as new distinguished worldwide cultivars, were introduced. From around 5,000ha in the 2000s, the vineyard area in 2022 has reached over 11,500ha, with a continuous tendency to increase.

The main grape cultivars are local, with a share of 80%, and the remaining belongs to foreign cultivars. More than 21 autochthon cultivars are listed in the national register and used by the winemakers.

4 Main Winegrowing Areas based on altitude



Shkodra (also known as Shkodër) serves as the district center and is the capital of Northern Albania.

For hundreds and thousands of years, the inhabitants preserved with fanaticism the old tradition, revealing a beautiful and authentic pole. Social factors have influenced the tradition of vine cultivation and wine production. The geographical region extends to two areas of vine cultivation, the Shkodra-Lezha area, and the central hilly inland area, the Mirdita district, up to 600 m above sea level.

The landscape is characterized by the majestic Alps to the north, lowlands of Shkodra and the plain of Zadrima in the east, and surrounding foothills. Moving south, you’ll find the Mat Coast area with its center, Lezha. Other administrative areas in the region include Puka, Mirdita, and Kurbini. The Drini River, the largest river in Albania and the Western Balkans, flows through the plain, adding to the natural beauty and charm of the region.


The region is known for its Mediterranean climate, which is shaped by high precipitation and winds, resulting in a unique geographical environment. The average annual temperatures range from 11.8 to 14.0 °C. During the winter, strong and cold local winds known as Murrlan bring currents from the Alps, creating distinct weather patterns. In contrast, towards the end of autumn, the Shirok wind blows, accompanied by intensive precipitation, making the region one of the wettest areas in Albania with an annual average of 2500 mm of rainfall. These climatic characteristics contribute to the exceptional natural beauty and environmental diversity of the region. 

Grape Varietiees


– Shesh


– Kallmeti

– Merlot



The region is situated between the Adriatic Sea and the hinterland, bordered to the south by the Shkumbini River, to the west by mountain ranges with peaks reaching up to 1800 meters above sea level, and to the north by the Ishêm River. The landscape is characterized by the plains of Durrës along the coast, Tirana at an elevation of 110 meters above sea level, and the Elbasani plain in the scenic Shkumbini valley. The hilly relief, including Rodon-Vorë-Krrabë, also adds to the region’s diverse geography.

The mild geographical relief of the region provides optimal conditions for vine cultivation, with a rich history dating back to ancient times. Durrës and its hinterland have long been renowned for their vineyards. Additionally, Tirana, the capital city and district center, is conveniently located just 34 kilometers east of the Adriatic Sea, making it a perfect base for exploring the natural beauty of the region, from the coast to the mountains.


Climate in the region is classified as subtropical-Mediterranean, characterized by dry summers and wet winters. The warmest month, July, has an average temperature of +24 °C, while the coldest month, January, averages at +7 °C. The region enjoys 260-290 sunny days per year, adding to its pleasant weather.

Durrës, in particular, experiences an average annual temperature ranging from 12.6 to 20.3 °C, with an annual rainfall of 1047 mm. Summers are hot and dry, influenced by subtropical high-pressure systems, while winters are moderate with variable and wet weather. 

Grape Varietiees


– Shesh

– Shesh i Bardhe


– Shesh i Zi



The Western Lowland, located south of the Shkumbini river, is an economically significant agricultural region. It spans a vast area from the Shkumbini river in the north to the Vjosa river in the south. The landscape includes the Divjakë-Ardenice hills, which traverse the Myzeqe plain in a North-South direction. To the east, the region extends towards Berati, encompassing the hilly range of Mallakastra and the valleys of Devolli and Osum, reaching the pre-mountainous area of Tomorr and Shpiragu mountains. This diverse region is known for its fertile lands and agricultural productivity.


Summers are hot and dry, influenced by subtropical high-pressure systems, while winters are moderate and variable with occasional rain. Visitors can enjoy the pleasant weather of the region throughout the year. Visitors can enjoy the pleasant weather of the region throughout the year.

Grape Varietiees


– Pulës

– Debina e bardhë


– Shesh i Zi



The Southern Region, boasts a wide outlet to the Ionian Sea with warm waters, giving it distinct Mediterranean features in terms of climate, hydrography, and vegetation. The region’s relief is characterized by mountain ranges, highlands, valleys, and the Delvina field. The largest valley in the region is the Vjose river valley, with gentle relief and small lots on both sides in the upper part, while the valley of Drinos, a branch of Vjosa, is known for its outstanding agricultural land. In the lower part of the region, the slope of the slopes narrows and increases.

The Delvine field, located in the southern part of the region, is formed by significant tectonic subsidence and continues to decrease, resulting in flat areas. The unique geographical position and diverse relief of the Southern Region contribute to its natural beauty and make it an area of interest for various agricultural and environmental activities.


The climate is typical Mediterranean, with mild and hot winters and hot and very dry summers.

The hydrography consists of the Vjosa and Osum rivers, with their branches, which have the most significant flow in the winter and the smallest in the summer.

The soils in the valleys and pits of Delvina are fertile, but due to erosion, they could be better on the slopes of the mountains.

Grape Varietiees



– Vlosh

– Koteka e Zeze

– Kryqësi (Cinambel)

Southeastern Region


The Southeastern region of Albania, located south of the Shkumbin valley and extending to Leskovik, is characterized by a diverse and rugged relief consisting of mountain pits, pits, and valleys, interwoven and interrupted by each other. The region has a significant vertical extension, with elevations ranging from 200 to 2523 meters above sea level.

The Southeastern region is positioned between two main mountain ranges, with the western range starting from the Mokra highlands and extending to Leskovik in the south. The north-to-south direction of the mountain ranges has a significant impact on the climate of this region. The Korça plateau, located at an altitude of about 850 meters above sea level, is the largest and one of the most important plateaus in the region and in Albania. Two other small fields, Perrenjasi at around 600 meters above sea level and Pogradeci south of Lake Ohrid at around 700 meters above sea level, also contribute to the diverse landscape of the Southeastern region.

The unique geography and varied relief of the Southeastern region make it an area of interest for nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those interested in exploring the natural beauty and diverse landscapes of Albania.


The Southeastern region of Albania has a noticeable continental influence on its climate, with harsh and frosty winters and relatively low precipitation in the valleys and pits. The region’s vegetation is diverse, with oak forests, Mediterranean shrubs, deciduous and conifer forests, and alpine pastures in the mountains.

The Southeastern region offers suitable positions and natural conditions for economic development, with its unique climate and vegetation, making it an interesting destination for visitors and businesses alike.

Grape Varietiees


– Debina e bardhë

– Serina e bardhë


– Serina e zezë

– Mavrud